FY 2025 Budget

In accordance with the requirements of the Talbot County Charter, the County Council of Talbot County is required to provide a Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget & Program for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 (FY 2025). 

The Budget Process


Understanding the Budget

  • The budget preparation process

    The budget is prepared over several months and involves the Department of Finance, the County Manager, County Council, county departments, other stakeholders and the citizens of Talbot County. 

    Listed below are the steps to the process: 

    1. December Department of Finance prepares preliminary revenue outlook and determines availability of resources.
    2. January Each county department and agency works to prepare budget requests that are presented to the Department of Finance, the County Manager, and their staff.
    3. February Department of Finance and County Manager work with Departments and Agencies to finalize their requests.
    4. Early March Departments and Agencies present their budget requests to County Council
    5. March - Early April Council, working with guidance from Department of Finance and County Manager review budget requests, and ask follow up questions from departments and agencies.
    6. Early April Council introduced the Budget Ordinance, essentially the final draft of the budget.
    7. May Council holds public hearings, giving residents, departments, and agencies time to share their funding requests and concerns with the County Council. 
    8. Late May Council votes on final budget, additional legislation is prepared for capital enabling legislation and considered by Council. The new budget goes into effect on July 1.
  • How is Talbot County funded?

    Talbot County's top two revenue sources are property tax and income tax.

    In FY2024, Property Tax revenues were projected to generate $56.9 million, or 44.1 percent of total revenues. Local income tax is projected to generate 31,000,000 or 24.1 percent of total of total revenues. Prior year reserves add an additional 15 percent, and other local taxes make up about 9.3 percent of total. Service charges, license and permits, federal and state grants, transfer from other funds, and other make up the final 7.2 percent of revenues.

    See the 2024 Budget here.

  • How are tax dollars spent?

    In FY2024, the top three budget items were education, public safety, and general government. 

    Education received the largest portion, $54,000,000, or 42.1 percent of the total General Fund budget. Public Safety, which includes 11 new full-time positions, accounts for 23.5 percent. The general government makes up 11.9 percent.

    See the 2024 Budget here.

  • How do we compare to other counties?

    Talbot County has the second lowest property tax rate in the state, and the second lowest income tax rate.

    We take pride in our fiscally conservative approach to the budget, using appropriated funds for top priorities as outlined by the citizens such as emergency services and public safety, improving infrastructure, education, and maintaining a dynamic workforce.

Budget Breakdown


Projected Revenues total $163,970,000. Property Tax revenues are projected to generate $59.2 million, or 38.9% percent of total revenues. Local income tax is projected to generate 37,000,000 or 22.6% of total of total revenues. Prior year reserves add an additional 23.8%, and other local taxes make up about 7.7% of total. Service charges, license and permits, federal and state grants, transfer from other funds, and other make up the final 6.9% percent of revenues.


The FY 2025 Expense Budget totals $163,970,000. Education will receive the largest portion, $61,793,202, or 37.7% of the total General Fund budget. Public Safety, accounts for 22.7%. The general government makes up 10.7%. A transfer of $27,452,793 to Capital Funds, or 16.7% percent, will support a new EMS station, the Public Safety Complex, St. Michaels Library Expansion, water and sewer extensions, expansion of broadband, and more. Public Works, Parks and Rec, Health, Social Services, and Other make up the final 34.8%.

Key Investments

Investment in Public Safety and Emergency Services

The County continues to invest in public safety, emergency services, and public health. Most notably, the County is looking forward to wrapping up two large capital projects, including the new Health Department building and the Public Safety Complex at Marys Court both of which are located in Easton.

Support includes:

  • $7.8 million for upgraded 911 technology including complete of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system
  • 5 new positions in emergency services and public safety, which include Communication Specialists (911 Operators), and School Resource Officers (SROs)
  • Correctional Officers inclusion into the Maryland Correctional Officers’ Retirement System (CORS)
  • Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) inclusion into the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System (LEOPS)
  • Additional capital funding to complete the Health Department’s new facility.
  • Additional capital funding to complete the Public Safety Complex for Talbot County Sheriff and Department of Emergency Services at Marys Court.
  • $550,000 for upgrades and infrastructure improvements to the Talbot County Detention Center. 


The County continues to support capital initiatives and investment in education. Talbot County Public Schools will receive $54.6 million in operational funding, which is an increase of $3.65 million from last year. This exceeds the required local share contribution by $2.6 million.

The budget also includes an additional $16.9 million in capital funding to support the Chapel District Elementary School renovation project and $1.5 million in capital funding for other capital projects with specific project allocation to be determined by the school district.

The budget also includes $3.7 million in capital funding to support expansion of the Talbot County Free Library branch in St. Michaels.

Chesapeake College received $1.9 million to support operation costs, and some capital outlay projects.

Improving Infrastructure

The budget includes $4.5 million in capital funding to support engineering and construction costs to extend water and sewer lines to support the new regional medical center site and the Talbot County Community Center.

Additional funds were allocated to expand broadband to unserved and underserved areas of the County, with the assistance of grant funding.

Capital projects also include $9.5 million for repair, construction, and resurfacing of county roadways, of which $4 million is expected grant funding.

Maintaining a Dynamic Workforce

This year’s budget continues the County’s commitment to supporting a dynamic workforce.

This support includes:

  • 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and 1 Step (1-3%) for County employees
  • Increases operational funds to volunteer fire departments and funds to address personnel retention and recruitment efforts

Page last modified Monday, August 19, 2024 4:06:11 PM