Easton Airport to Host Two More "Walk and Talk" Events


Category: Easton Airport

Easton Airport invites the public to participate in their last two “Walk & Talk” events for the spring. The scheduled tours will take place on Thursday, May 18th and Saturday, June 3rd. Both tours start at 10 AM. 

Community members gather and listen as Micah Risher, Manager at Easton Airport, gives a walking tour. Photo courtesy of Easton Airport.

During the event, community members participate in an on-site trek of the community airport with a walking tour through designated sections of the airfield. This year, the airport added two Saturday dates to make it easier for students to participate in the informative tour. 

The group will be taken beyond the gates to do a 1-mile walking loop. During the tour, management will make stops to talk about hangars, aircraft, operations, and other equipment. Participants will get a behind the scenes look at airport operations and understand more about the business side of aviation.  

“People love being able to walk through the gates during these tours and be where the action is,” Easton Airport Business & Marketing Coordinator Jeff Lankford said. “Folks that have joined us for a tour always seem to walk away with a newfound appreciation for what the airport offers.” 

The Airport hopes the walks help the community get a new perspective of the airport, learn about our history, and see how it has become the “Aviation Gateway to the Eastern Shore” over the years.  

Education at the Airport

The Easton Airport community also aims to foster and inspire the next generation of aviators, air traffic controllers, and aircraft technicians through community engagement, events, and programming.  

“Demand for well-trained personnel is on the rise nationwide and we can use our unique resources to inspire our region’s youth,” said Manager of Easton Airport, Micah Risher.  

Aviation Career Education, or ACE, is a program created to provide local students the opportunity to explore careers in the aerospace industry by tapping into resources at Easton Airport.  

ACE Programs and courses are offered throughout the year that introduce students to a variety of aviation related career options. As students begin to find the path that’s tailored to their interests, the program will offer additional resources and support to help guide them along their ACE journey. 

Learn more about the ACE Program here: ACE - Easton Airport 

Students participating in the walking tour can join the ACE Passport Program and earn a stamp towards a flight training scholarship.  

Pre-registration for “Walk & Talk” is requested. Please visit http://www.eastonairport.com/walk-talk to select a date and register for the event. 

Please note, no 4-legged friends are permitted on the tour. Children must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times. Weather related cancellations will be announced via email in advance with make-up dates to be determined. Walks start at 10 a.m. and finish by noon. 

For more information, please contact Jeff Lankford, Business and Marketing Coordinator for the Easton Airport, at jlankfod@talbotcountymd.gov.


Page last modified Friday, May 3, 2024 11:38:20 AM