Legislation - June 2019 to present
Admin Resol (Stay of Enforcement - Short-Term Rental Properties)
Admin. Resol. (Declaration Ending State of Emergency in Talbot County) As Approved June 23, 2020
Admin. Resol. (Diversity Training for County Employees and Requirement for Report by County Manager on Diversity Training and Opportunities for County Employees) As Approved June 23, 2020
Admin. Resol. (Requiring Development of a Talbot County Diversity Statement)
Administrative Resolution (Authorizing Relocation of Talbot Boys Statue) As Approved September 14, 2021
Administrative Resolution (Repeal of August 25, 2020 COVID-19 Enforcement Resolution)
Administrative Resolution (Change of Starting Time of Legislative Sessions of the Talbot County Council) As Approved on September 12, 2023
Administrative Resolution (Emergency Burning Ban Throughout Talbot County Due to Prolonged or Unusual Conditions That Are Conducive to the Easy Start and Spread of Fire) Approved on June 21, 2024
Administrative Resolution (Establishment of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee) Approved on September 24, 2024
Administrative Resolution (Emergency Burning Ban Throughout Talbot County Due to Prolonged or Unusual Conditions That Are Conducive to the Easy Start and Spread of Fire) Approved on October 25, 2024
Administrative Resolution (Change of Starting Time of Legislative Sessions of the Talbot County Council) As Approved on November 12, 2024
Administrative Resolution (Establishment of Talbot 250 Commission)
Bill 1412 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Zoning to Revise Cottage Industry Truck Wt. Limits on Certain Roadways) as amended, enacted, and enrolled
Bill 1414 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Zoning to Clarify Site Plan Stds. for Parking, etc.) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1415 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Zoning - Vertical Expansion of Non-conforming buildings) as amended, enacted, and enrolled
Bill 1416 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Zoning - Add Marine Equipment Services and Repair) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1417 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Zoning - To Amend Definition of Contracting, Building Trade and Construction) as enacted and enrolled
Bills 1418-1433 (FY2019-2020 Capital Enabling Legislation) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1434 (Bill to Amend Sec. 190-33.20 Talbot Co. Code To Allow for Provisional Licenses for Certain Short Term Rentals) as amended, enacted, and enrolled
Bill 1435 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Replacement Piers) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1436 (Bill to Amend Ch. 121 Talbot Co. Code to Temporarily Grandfather Certain Slip Holders) FAILED
Bill 1437 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Talbot Co. Code - Alter Setback for Product Recycling at Active Mineral Extraction Site) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1438 (Establishment of Modified Buffer Area - Bellevue) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1439 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Talbot Co. Code - Allow for Increased Pier Size for Fisheries, etc) as amended, enacted and enrolled
Bill 1440 (Bill to Authorize Talbot Co. to Borrow Not More Than $222,000 to Finance and Refinance Improvements to Certain Wastewater Facilities) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1441 (Bill to Authorize Talbot County to Borrow Not More Than $24,795,000 for the New Easton Elementary School) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1442 (Bill to Amend Talbot Co. Code to Allow Liquor License Commissioners to issue licenses for on-premises consumption of mixed drinks for Class One Distilleries) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1445 (FY2020-2021 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) as amended, enacted and enrolled
Bill 1446 (STRs - To Improve and Clarify Processes for Licensure, etc.) As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Bill 1447 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 Talbot Co. Code - On-Premises Consumption - Breweries) as enacted and enrolled
Bills 1448-1461(FY21 Capital Enabling Legislation) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1462 (Repeal and Re-enact Zoning Maps - Dutchmans Lane Annexation) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1463 (Bill to Amend Ch. 64 Talbot Co. Code - Development Impact Fees - New Definitions) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1464 (Bill to Amend Ch. 172 Talbot Co. Code to Authorize Creation of Special Taxing Districts in Talbot Co. for Installing, Maintaining and Operating Street Lights Along County Roads) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1465 (Bill to Adopt the Cordova Village Master Plan - Dec. 2019 - in Accordance with the 2016 Talbot County Comprehensive Plan), as amended, enacted, and enrolled - legislation
Bill 1465 (Cordova Master Plan)
Bill 1466 (Bill to Authorize Talbot Co. to Borrow $350,000 to Finance and Refinance Improvements to Certain Wastewater Treatment Facilities) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1467 (Bill to Adopt Codification and Revision of the Ordinances of Talbot County, Maryland) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1468 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Construction of Piers on Non-contiguous lots) as enacted and enrolled
Bill 1469 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages - Outdoor Theaters) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1470 (Mutual Aid Agreement - Sheriffs of Maryland Eastern Shore Counties) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1471 (Bill to Repeal and Reenact Talbot County Zoning Map 41) As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Bill 1472 (Bill to Amend Ch. 134 - Roads Ordinance to Establish a Repurposing Facility) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bills 1474 - 1491 (FY2021-2022 Capital Enabling Legislation) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1492 (Bill to establish the annual salary of the Sheriff for Talbot County to become effective for terms beginning in and after 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1493 (Bill to Authorize Talbot County to Borrow Not More Than $600,000 in Order to Finance and Refinance Improvements to Region II WWTP - Belt Filter Press) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1494 (Bill to Authorize Capital Project for Acquisition of Certain Equipment and an Office Trailer for the Repurposing Center) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1495 (Bill to Modify Composition of Short Term Rental Review Board) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1496 (Bill to Repeal and Reenact Ch. 102, Talbot Co. Code, Parks and Recreation and to Enact New Ch.76 Golf Board) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1497 (Bill To amend Ch. 24 Talbot Co. Code to Add a New Article V Entitled Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1498 (An Act to Establish the 2022-2023 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Bill 1499 (Bill to Amend Ch. 56 - Talbot Co. Code - Electrical Standards) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1500 (Bill to Amend Ch. 60 - Talbot Co. Code - Ethics Provisions) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bills 1501 - 1521 (FY2023 Capital Enabling Legislation) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1522 (2022 Bond Bill Authorizing the Borrowing of Not More Than $24,900,000 for Public Safety Building and Health Department Facility) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1523 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Zoning, Subdivision, Land Development - Add Definition of Country Club) As Enacted and Enrolled (later withdrawn for Critical Area Commission consideration)
Bill 1524 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 - Talbot Co. Code - Zoning, Subdivision, Land Development - Solar Energy Systems) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1525 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Zoning, Subdivision, Land Development - Expansion of Structures Utilized for Nonconforming Uses) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1526 (Emergency Bill to Authorize Capital Project for Removal and Replacement of Ice Rink Floor at Talbot County Community Center) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1527 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages Regarding Hours of Sales on Sundays) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1528 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Erosion Control Measures, Piers, and Riparian Structures) As Enacted and Enrolled and Approved by the Critical Area Commission where noted
Bill 1529 (FY2023-2024 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1530 (Bill to Address Comments and Conditions of Approval by CAC for Bill No. 1525) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bills 1531 - 1543 (FY24 Capital Enabling Leg.) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1544 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Historic Inns) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1545 (Bill to Amend Ch. 20 - Talbot Co. Code - Board of Appeals) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1546 (FY24 Capital Enabling Leg. - Feasibility Study for Talbot County Visitors Center) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1547 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 - Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1548 (Region II USDA Loan) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1549 (Emergency Bill to Amend Bill Nos. 1244 and 1479 to Expand Work of Capital Project for Repair of South Wing of Courthouse Roof to Include Repair of North Wing Roof) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1550 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 - Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages) Regarding Issuance of Class E Licenses in Urban Locations
Bill 1551 (Bill to Award Supplemental Growth Allocation to Town of Easton - Cohee Property) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1552 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 - Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages) Exemption of Thompson Park - Easton - As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1553 (FY2024-2025 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Bills 1554 - 1574 (FY25 Capital Enabling Legislation) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1575 (FY25 Capital Enabling Legislation) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1576 (Bill to Authorize Talbot Co. to Borrow Not More Than $88,000 to Finance and Refinance Improvements to Certain Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the County) As Enacted and Enrolled
Bill 1577 (Emergency Bill to Amend Bill No. 1231 For the Purpose of Coordinating the Temporary Closure of MD Rt. 662C to Facilitate Timely Construction of a Nwe Hospital and Regional Medical Center), As Amended and Enacted
Bill 1578 (Bill to Amend Ch. 56 Talbot Co. Code - Elec. Stds.) As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Bill 1579 (Bill to Address CAC Conditions for Approval of Bill 1544 - Historic Inns) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 274 (Lease of Portion of Bellevue Landing Wharf to OBFY, Inc.) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 275 (Lease of Space at Easton Airport Terminal to Easton Jet Service, LLC)
Resolution 276 (Lease of Space at Easton Airport Terminal to Maryland Air) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 277 (Lease of Space at Easton Airport Terminal to Thomas M. Rosenthal, M.D.) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 278 (Sale of Real Estate Near Village of Bozman know as Grace Creek Landing) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 279 (Abandonment and Conveyance of Portion of Walkers Turn Road, McDaniel, Maryland) as amended, enacted, and enrolled
Resolution 281 (CWSP Amendment - Town of Trappe - Lakeside - Dec. 2019) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 282 (CWSP Amendment Dec. 2019 - George Brooks House - St. Michaels)as amended, enacted, and enrolled
Resolution 283 (CWSP Amendment - McMiles, LLC - Dec. 2019) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 284 (Resol. to Approve Option to Lease - New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC at Easton Airport) as enacted and enrolled
Resolution 285 (2020 Charter Amendment - Waiver of Residency for Certain County Employees) as enacted
Resolution 286 (2020 Charter Amendment - Use of Constant Yield to Identify Properties Included on Tax Rolls) as enacted
Resolution 287 (2020 Charter Amendment - Elimination of CPI-U) as enacted
Resolution 288 (2020 Charter Amendment - Allow But Not Require County Council to Add Up to $.01 Per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Value Above the Revenue Cap for No More Than Five Years Beginning July 1, 2021) - as enacted
Resolution 290 (Prohibiting Statues Depicting Persons, Signs, or Symbols Associated with Military Action on Talbot County Property and Providing for the Removal of the Talbot Boys Statue While Retaining the Base of the Monument) - FAILED
Resolution 291 (Rezoning of 29328 Dutchmans Lane) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 292 (Transfer of Portion of Dutchmans Lane to Town of Easton) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 293 (CWSP Amendment- Ferry Bridge Road) Sept. 2020 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 294 (CWSP Amendment - Capital Project for Improvements Associated with Res. 235) Sept. 2020 - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled
Resolution 295 (CWSP Amendment - Bio-Solids Facility) - Sept. 2020 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 297 (Transfer of a Portion of Glenwood Ave. to Town of Easton) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 298 (Designating TCBC Warehouse and Office Space as Surplus Property and Delegating Authority to Easton Airport Manager to Lease Space) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 299 (CWSP Amendment - Repurposing Center - March 2021) - WITHDRAWN BY ITS SPONSORS
Resolution 300 (CWSP Amendment - Ferry Point - March 2021) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 301 (CWSP Amendment - Preserve at Wye Mills Capital Project - March 2021) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 302 (Res. to Approve Execution of Lease of Unimproved Land at Easton Airport - Aerovanti Hangar, LLC
Resolution 303 (Res. to Adopt 2020-2030 Solid Waste Management Plan) As Enacted and Enrolled and Approved by MDE
Resolution 304 (CWSP - To Revise Chapter 3 - Amendment Procedures) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 305 (CWSP Amendment - 25154 St. Michaels Road - June 2021) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 306 (CWSP Amendment - 1004 and 1006 S. Talbot St., St. Michaels, MD - June 2021) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 307 (CWSP Amendment - 5570 Leeward Lane, Tilghman, MD - June 2021) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 309 (CWSP Amendment - 24108 Mt. Pleasant Rd., St. Michaels) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 310 (Res. Authorizing Transfer of Portion of Flood Avenue to Town of Easton) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 311 (Resolution to Amend Talbot County Council Rules of Procedure) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 312 (Res. to Adopt Redistricting Plan for Board of Education Election Districts) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 314 (Res. Authorizing Transfer of Any Interest in Portion of Brooks Lane to Commissioners of St. Michaels) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 315 (CWSP Amendment - Town of Easton's Glebe WWTP - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 316 (CWSP Amendment - Force Main and Vacuum Sensors - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 317 (CWSP Amendment - Region II Emergency Generator - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 318 (CWSP Amendment - Elimination of Septic Systems - Bar Neck and Fairbank - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 319 (CWSP Amendment - Region V ENR Upgrades - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 320 (CWSP Amendment - Region I Grinder Pumps - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 321 (CWSP Amendment - Region V Sewer Collection System Improvements - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 322 (CWSP Amendment - Kemp - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 324 (CWSP Amendment - Stevenson and McEachern - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 325 (CWSP Amendment - Stockhausen - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 326 (CWSP Amendment - Preserve at Wye Mills - March 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 327 (CWSP Amendment - Lakeside Wastewater Treatment - Sec. 1, Phase 1 - March 2022) FAILED
Resolution 328 (Res. to Amend CWSP - Amendment Procedures) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 329 (Res. to Adopt a Temporary Moratorium - Applications - Large Scale Solar Energy Systems) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 330 (Res. to Amend CWSP - Town of Easton New South Well - June 2022) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 331 (Res. to Amend CWSP - Estates at Gannon Farm - June 2022) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 332 (Res. to Place Questions on Ballot in 2022 General Election - Council Salaries) Not Approved by Voters at the 2022 General Election - Therefore, the provisions of Resolution No. 332 will not take effect.
Resolution 333 (Res. to Approve Amended Rules of Procedure of Talbot Co. Board of Appeals) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 334 (Res. to Amend Res. 175, A Resolution to Establish Sewer Service Connection Policies from the Unionville, Tunis Mills, Copperville Sewer Service Area) FAILED
Resolution 335 (CWSP Amendment - Town of Oxford - 4480 Bachelors Point Rd.) Sept. 2022 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 336 (CWSP Amendment - Town of Oxford - Water System Improvement Capital Project) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 337 (Res. to Approve Sale of Two Contiguous and Adjacent Parcels of Unimproved Real Property to the Town of Trappe) Oct. 2022 - As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 338 (CWSP Amendment - Lakeside - Consistency with MDE Permit No. 19-DP-3460) March 2023 - As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 339 (CWSP Amendment - Bar Neck and Fairbank - March 2023) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 340 (Res. to Accept Jennings Road from Trippes Creek, LLC for Use as County Road) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 341 (Res. to Amend 911 Fee for Talbot County) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 342 (Proposed Annexation of Port St. (Easton Point) Properties by Town of Easton - Waiver of 5-Year Hold) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 343 (CWSP Amendment - Yacht Club Rd., St. Michaels) - June 2023 As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 344 (Temporary Moratorium - Cannabis) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 345 (CWSP Amendment - Town of Easton - FY24-25 Capital Project) Sept. 2023 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 346 (CWSP Amendment - Region V - Tilghman) - Sept. 2023 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 347 (CWSP Amendment - EDUs for All Phases - Lakeside Development - Sept. 2023) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 348 (CWSP Amendment - Clarify and Confirm Water and Sewer Classifications of Certain Parcel Incorrectly Shown on Exhibits A and B of Resolution No. 281, as amended) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 349 (Road Name Changes - Bellevue) - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 351 (Resolution to Establish Weight Limit on Black Dog Alley) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 352 (Property Annexation by Town of Trappe) Waiver of 5-year hold - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 353 (Trappe CWSP Amendment - Consolidation of Res. 338, 347, and 348) FAILED
Resolution 354 (CWSP Amendment - Blueberry Acres - Wales Lane - St. Michaels - March 2024) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 355 (CWSP Amendment - Ward - Royal Oak - March 2024) As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 356 (Resolution to Formally Decline Offer of Dedication for Paper Street Portion of Calvert Avenue, Rio Vista, St. Michaels) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 357 ((Resolution to Amend a Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement dated October 14, 2014 By and Between Talbot County, Maryland, the Town of Easton, and Shore Health System, Inc.) As Approved by Council on June 11, 2024
Resolution 358 (Resolution to Formally Close Segars Corner Road as a County Road and Authorize the Conveyance Thereof to the Underlying Fee Simple Owners) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 359 (Resolution to Place a Question on the Ballot at the November 2024 General election to Amend § 614 of the Charter of Talbot County to Allow, But Not Require, the County Council of Talbot County to Add Up to One Cent (1¢) Per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Value Above the Revenue Cap For an Additional Five (5) Seven (7) Years Beginning July 1, 2026) - Enacted by the County Council on June 25, 2024, as amended and submitted to the voters at the November 5, 2024 General Election. Resolution No. 359, as amended, was approved by a majority of the voters on November 5, 2024. Therefore, the amendment stands enacted from and after the thirtieth calendar day following the election - December 5, 2024.
Resolution 360 (CWSP Amendment - Alternate Location for Pump Station and Expansion of Potential Route for Force Main for Regional Medical Center and Talbot County Community Center) - June 2024 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 361 (Res. to Amend the Talbot Family Network Bylaws) - July 2024 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 362 (CWSP Amendment - 7044 and 6990 Bozman Neavitt Rd.) Sept. 2024 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 363 (Request from Town of Easton for Waiver of 5-Year Zoning Hold on 17.329 Annexed Acres) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 364 (Resolution to Formally close Wallys Way and Bethany Lane as County Roads) As Enacted and Enrolled
Resolution 365 (CWSP Amendment - 9802 and 9818 Ocean Gateway - Easton, MD) - January 2025 - As Enacted and Enrolled
Page last modified Tuesday, January 28, 2025 2:30:47 PM