Community Development Block Grant

For All Seasons, Inc. - 300 Talbot Street, Easton, MD 21601

Invitation to Bidders 24-19

Addendum No. 1 (issued December 11, 2024)

Addendum No. 2 - Scope Drawings (posted February 3, 2025, due to technical issues with Talbot County website)

Addendum No. 3 - Architectural and Engineering Drawings (PENDING - Due by March 3, 2025)

Sealed bids will be accepted by the Office of the Talbot County Manager, Courthouse, 11 N. Washington Street, Easton, MD 21601 until 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025, at which time they shall be opened and read aloud. All submittals received after 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025, will be returned unopened.  Incomplete or untimely bids shall not be considered.  It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure that their bid submittal is complete and submitted in a timely manner.  The County assumes no responsibility to notify bidders of incomplete or untimely bids.

Please read all documents carefully. This project is partially funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The following forms must be included with the sealed proposals along with required bonds for greatest consideration and consistency with Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Procurement Policies Rev. July 1, 2024.

Invitation to Bidders

Complete, sign and return the following documents in a sealed bid package (Contractors and Subcontractors as applicable):

1. Bid Proposal Cover Form Bid 24-19

2. Bidder Form with Bidder Identification and Bid Proposal Totals

3. Affidavit I - Non-Collusion Certificate

4. Build America, Buy America Certification 

5. Contractor Statement of Assurances and Certifications

6. Section 3 Clause

7. Section 3 Hiring/Labor Hour Estimate Form

8. 5% Bid Bond (100% payment bond and 100% performance bond will be required from selected bidder(s) in the amount of the full contract)

Attachments provided for REFERENCE ONLY

In order to ensure all bidders have the same information and understand the scope of the project, a Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. local time on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at the project site, 300 Talbot Street, Easton, Maryland 21601. General Contractors and subcontractors submitting a bid must attend at least one meeting and will have an opportunity for a facility walk-through until 4:30 p.m. following the pre-bid conference.

Questions may be directed to:

     Mary Kay Verdery, Grants Administrator
     Talbot County Courthouse
     11 N. Washington Street
     Easton, MD 21601
     Phone: 410-770-8002


CBDG Objectives and Eligible Activities

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federal grant for housing and community development projects that benefit low-and moderate-income persons. The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is the authorized representative regarding oversight and management of the CDBG program. DHCD gives eligible local jurisdictions power to distribute federal funds to non-profit and public agencies that support housing and public service programs through an annual competitive program. A primary objective of CDBG is to develop viable communities by providing low-to moderate-income families with decent, affordable housing and to expand local economic opportunities. 

CDBG funds may be used for activities that include, but are not limited to:

  • Acquisition of real property
  • Relocation and demolition
  • Rehabilitation of residential and non-residential structure
  • Construction of public facilities and improvements, such as water and sewer facilities, streets, neighborhood centers, and the conversion of school buildings for eligible purposes
  • Public services, within certain limits
  • Activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources
  • Provision of assistance to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development and job creation/retention activities

Each activity must meet one of the following national objectives for the program: benefit low- and moderate-income persons, prevent or eliminate slums or blight, or address community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community for which other funding is not available. Generally, the following types of activities are ineligible:

  • Acquisition, construction, or reconstruction of buildings for the general conduct of government
  • Political activities
  • Certain income payments
  • Construction of new housing (with some exceptions)

Additional Information

Application eligibility to specific programs may vary. Community Development applications are accepted once a year through a competitive process. Special Project Applications can be submitted any time of year after written approval has been received from DHCD.

More information, to include CDBG program guidelines, may be found on the DHCD website

Talbot County applicants may also consider applying through CDBG eligible municipalities to include the Towns of Easton, Oxford, St. Michaels, Trappe or Queen Anne.


Staff Contact

Mary Kay Verdery
Grants Administrator
Talbot County Courthouse
11 N. Washington Street
Easton, MD 21601
Phone: 410-770-8002

Page last modified Tuesday, February 18, 2025 2:19:23 PM