Road Maintenance

The Roads Department is responsible for all maintenance activities for County-owned Roads.

The Department schedules and plans its work based on priority. The goal is to balance the citizen response with planned, preventative, and corrective maintenance.

List of Services

  • General Road Maintenance

    The Roads Department is responsible for all maintenance activities associated with the roads of Talbot County.

    Road Maintenance

    • Pothole Repair
    • Asphalt and Tar/Chip Surface Repairs
    • Bridge Maintenance

    Road Drainage

    • Ditch Clearing
    • Drainage Construction
    • Culvert Maintenance

    Roadside Maintenance

    • Brush Cutting
    • Roadside Mowing
    • Road Shoulder Maintenance
    • Storm Debris
    • Roadside Tree Trimming and Removal
  • Noxious Weed Control

    The Roads Department is responsible for coordinating efforts to control the spread of noxious weeds throughout the county. In addition to treatment of noxious plants, the weed control department treats other invasive plants, such as Gamba Grass, Callery or Bradford Pear, Bamboo, and non-native phragmites.

    Requests only considered for Johnsongrass or Phragmites removal at this time. 

    Any calls concerning noxious weed control should be directed to Joe Willoughby, Weed Control Coordinator at or 410-770-8157. Learn more about Weed Control here.

  • Snow Removal

    The Roads Department is responsible for removal of snow from all county maintained roadways. The Roads Department is dedicated to ensuring the safety of individuals on roads while providing timely service to citizens and business communities during inclement weather by planning and executing our winter operation activities.

    We have an established plan for plowing roads. Naturally, during extreme weather it will take us longer to complete a cycle of snow removal. There are also times when we will pull equipment off the roads for safety reasons.

  • Mowing

    Our crews perform seasonal mowing on the shoulders of county roads. We normally mow shoulders two or three times a year to improve roadway safety and increase visibility. We also mow in the late fall to improve snow plowing operations.

    Please drive slowly and remain alert when passing our crews and mowing equipment.

  • Tree & Brush Trimming

    Some of our roads are narrow and bordered by trees or brush. To maintain safe county roads, our crews trim trees and brush. Our priority is to ensure ample line-of-sight at intersections and preserving the visibility of road signs.

    If you have a complaint about trees or brush interfering with traffic, visibility, or signs, please submit a request.

  • Road Signs

    The county’s Central Shop creates and maintains road signs for county roads.

    If you see a sign that has been knocked down or that is in disrepair, please submit a request.

  • Dead Animals in the Road

    Animals killed as a result of traffic is an unavoidable reality of living in a rural, agricultural county. Our foremost concern is public safety. When an unsafe condition is reported, we will send a crew to clear the road. We do not normally send crews for small animals unless there is a risk to traffic.  

Page last modified Monday, January 27, 2025 1:27:36 PM