Council Highlights for June 25, 2024


Category: County Council

The Talbot County Council held their regular meeting on June 25, 2024 at 5 p.m.; Council Member Dave Stepp was absent.

Certificate of Recognition to Talbot Agriculture and Education Center for 60th Anniversary

Council presented a certificate of recognition to the Talbot Agriculture and Education Center for their 60th Anniversary. The facility, located at 10659 Hiners Lane, has been maintained over the years with generous donations and support from the member organizations of Easton FFA Chapter and Alumni, Easton Lions Club, Easton Ruritan Club, Talbot County Extension (4-H Clubs), Talbot County Farm Bureau, and Tri-County Ruritan.

The facility provides reasonably rated rental space for the public and is also home to the annual Talbot County Fair.

“Since its founding in 1964, the mission of the Talbot Agriculture and Education Center has been to strengthen and preserve our rural Talbot County culture by providing a safe, convenient, and economical gathering place for citizens of all ages and backgrounds to showcase and learn from our agricultural heritage,” read the certificate. “We congratulate the center on its first 60 years of service to Talbot County community and wish them continued success as they plan and prepare for the next 60 years and beyond.”

The center will host the 21st Talbot County Fair on July 11-13, 2024. More information can be found at

Resolution No. 359 – “Penny for Public Safety” Ballot Question

Council held a public hearing and subsequently voted for Resolution No. 359, which authorizes placing a question on the 2024 General Election ballot for the purpose of amending the Talbot County Charter to allow, but not require, the Council to add up to one cent ($.01) per $100 of assessed property value above the revenue cap for additional years beginning in July 1, 2026.

Currently, residents pay what has been coined as the “penny tax” to supplement public safety funding. The additional funding has allowed the County to invest in its public safety workforce and capital improvements over the last 5 years.

As conveyed by Finance Director Matha Sparks, this funding has allowed the County to create 26 additional positions in public safety including paramedics, EMTs, school resource officers, and 911 operators.

In addition, the County was able to invest in the CORS and LEOPS retirement programs, which provide supplemental retirement for the Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Services and Correctional Officers respectively; new equipment and vehicles; and increased funding for the County’s seven volunteer fire departments.

The Resolution passed with one amendment, that extends authorization from 5 years to 7 years to ensure the next ballot question, if requested by a future council, falls on a presidential election year instead of a gubernatorial election year.

“In the last number of years, this additional funding has allowed us to see the best of these services. We’ve stabilized the workforce, attracted quality individuals, advanced technology, and enhanced our coverage,” said County Manager Clay Stamp. “The funding has been used to make sure we have the best of the best, and that we address one of our core pillars which is public safety, health and welfare.”

Other Business

  • Talbot County Public Schools requested support for their FY24 Categorical Budget Transfers. This process occurs at the end of the fiscal year, when unexhausted funds are used to pre-pay for the next fiscal year budget items. TCPS will use the funds to prepay for software, bus leases, and more. Council unanimously approved the request. TCPS will be back before the council for their Capital Enablement legislation, once they have determined how they will use the funds allocated by Council in the FY25 budget.
  • Bill No. 1575, introduced by Council, will authorize the replacement and improvement of the cart bridge at the ninth hole of the Talbot County Hog Neck Golf Course. This bill is capital enablement legislation for FY 25. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
  • Council held a public hearing and subsequently unanimously approved Resolution No. 358, which authorizes the closure of Segars Corner Road located in Cordova. The .2± mile roadway serves as an alternate connector between Lewistown Road and Coveys Landing Rd.
  • The County Manager presented board nominations for the Council’s consideration:
    • Animal Control Board – Council unanimously approved the reappointment of Karla Wieland-Cherry.
    • Golf Board – Council unanimously approved the appointment of Dana Eggert.
    • Talbot Family Network– Council unanimously approved the reappointment of Berenice Orellana and the appointment of Katie Fox.
    • Tourism Board– Council unanimously approved the appointment of Commissioner David Wojciechowski to represent the Town of St. Michaels.
  • The Department of Roads and Facilities requested approval to award a contract to Fluharty Electric for electrical upgrades to the Main and North Wing Sections of the Talbot County Courthouse and the State’s Attorney Building in the amount of $65,324. The request was unanimously approved.
  • The Department of Emergency Service requested approval to enter into a contract with Tetra Tech to rewrite the Department’s Continuity of Operations Plan, known as the “COOP”. The project, in the amount of $62,059, is fully funded with Emergency Management Preparedness Grant (EMPG) funds and requires no additional County funds. The request was unanimously approved.
  • Martha Sparks, Finance Director, presented 4th Quarter Budget Transfers for FY 24. 4th Quarter budget transfers allow the County to prepay for budget items in next year’s budget by utilizing unused funds from the previous year. Specifically, funds will be used to contribute to Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) and to help offset maintenance contracts on County facilities.  The request was unanimously approved.
  • Ray Clarke, County Engineer, requested approval for an easement agreement with Timothy and Cynthia Nolan for the Bozman/Neavitt Sewer Extension Project, known as Res. 250. Council unanimously approved the request.

In Council Comments, Council encouraged families and parents to take advantage of the many great educational and enrichment opportunities offered in the Summer, including Easton Airport’s upcoming ACE Program aviation activities. In addition, Council reminded citizens that there is currently a burn ban in effect, and urged citizens to practice common sense and safety. For more information on the burn ban, visit

The Talbot County Council will hold a work session to discuss the proposed Frederick Douglass Bike Trail on July 9, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. in the Bradley Meeting Room.  The work session is open to the public.

The Council’s next legislative meeting will be held on July 9, 2024 beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the Bradley Meeting Room located in the South Wing, Talbot County Courthouse, 11 North Washington Street, Easton.  The meeting is open to the public.

council highlights council meetings penny tax emergency services public safety talbot agriculture and education center


Page last modified Friday, May 3, 2024 11:38:20 AM